Interest-free instalment plan when you pay for products or services via your Maybankard MasterCard or Visa Credit Card at Kamco Aluminium Sdn Bhd

Interest rate: 0%
Instalment plan duration: Up to 12 months

Save money with 0% interest instalment plans


  • Maybankard Visa & MasterCard credit cardmembers (except American Express card, Corporate cardmembers, Debit, Visa Debit) are entitled to participate in Maybankard EzyPay.
  • You can choose up to 12 months instalment plan (depending on the agreement of the individual participating outlet with Maybank). However, this is subject to your available credit limit at the point of application.
  • Upon approval of the application, the full instalment plan amount will be blocked at the point of application of EzyPay. The Bank will debit Cardmember’s Card Account with the instalment payable on a monthly basis, for duration as stipulated as above. Cardmember’s available credit limit will be provisionally reduced by earmarking an amount, equivalent to the Purchase Amount which will not be available to Cardmember, but will be progressively restored on a monthly basis as repayment of each instalment amount is made.
  • In the event that you opt to pay the minimum payment of five percent (5%) instead of the monthly instalment amount, you will be liable for interest charges on any of the outstanding amount.
  • The products and/or services offered herein are supplied by the respective Merchant. The Bank is only providing means of payment for these goods and/or services via the usage of Card.
  • Fulfillment services will be arranged between the Cardmember and the merchant and the Bank will not be responsible for any loss or damage arising from late or non-delivery.
  • Any return of goods and/or cancellation of services by Cardmember to the Merchant shall be subjected to the terms for return of goods.
  • The Bank will not be liable for any inadequate, defective or damaged goods or be responsible for any dispute between the Cardmember and the Merchant and the Bank is authorized to continue to debit the instalment to the Cardmember’s account regardless of any such dispute.
  • The Bank reserves the right to terminate the Cardmember’s EzyPay facility without prior notice to the Cardmember and without assigning any reason thereof.
  • The Bank at its sole discretion will demand Cardmember to settle the full outstanding amount due; under EzyPay facility if Cardmember defaults in payment of any amount due; breaches any terms and conditions herein/Cardmember Agreement, is deceased/bankrupt; or Card Account is terminated by the Bank for any reason whatsoever.
  • No delivery will be made to P.O.Box addresses as well as addresses outside Malaysia.
  • Cardmember’s signature on the Direct Debit Authorisation (“DDA”) serves as acceptance by the Cardmember of the Merchant’s terms and conditions of sale, the conditions herein, and the bank’s Visa/MasterCard Agreement. The Bank reserves the right to reject applications without giving reasons thereof.
  • These Conditions are in addition to the Bank’s Visa/MasterCard Agreement, which regulates the provision of credit card facility by the Bank to the Cardmember. In the event of inconsistency between these Conditions and said Agreement, these Terms and Conditions shall prevail in so far as they apply to the EzyPay.